Saturday, November 1, 2014

"Most Scenic Spots in Ilocos Region"

As I am doing this blog of mine focusing on the region of Ilocos. I am so amazed at the different places I am able to search for, though I've never been in these places the thorough study of its different spots made me love Region 1 so much. In your continues reading, you'll get to know more about the places I want to emphasize as the "Most Scenic Spots in Ilocos Region."

Ilocos Norte

Kaangrian Falls

It is located in Paayas, Burgos, Ilocos Norte where you could take a dip and experience the massaging effect of the water of Kaangrian Falls and be refreshed with its water of care.  To give you an information about its name, the name Kaangriaan was derived from the Ilocano word “naangri” which means stinky and the reason that its was called for that for that name was that there were some bat caves so the bat droppings made it stinky in the area. However, as I further studied about the place many tourist had said there was nothing stinky on the place. As an additional information, the  water falls was discovered in the year 1998 when the local government was looking for a good water source. Now, if you are planning a trip here as an eye opener half of the road may be accessible by car and the rest would be trekking which makes the trip more exciting!

Laoag Cathedral

Canonically known as St. William Cathedral which serves as the seat or central church of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Laoag. It is a church in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines. It was built in 1612 by Augustinian friars to replace a wooden chapel. It is well-known because of its Italian Renaissance design and the Sinking Bell Tower, which sinks into the ground at a rate of an inch a year.
The church has an unusual two-storey facade where the top of the facade holds a recessed niche that showcases the image of the city's patron saint, San Guillermo (Saint William).
This Laoag Church was originally built using lime mixed with molasses for strength, with big stones, gravel, sand and wood used for trusses made of Cogon grass then replaced by Nipa to support the roof then later the roofing was again changed to Taleb, a corrugated galvanized iron sheet made with bamboo for the church was damaged by hurricane in 1640, by earthquake in 1706, by fire in 1843. The church was restored in 1880.

Currimao's Nipa Beach

The Municipality of Currimao is located in the southwestern portion of the province of Ilocos Nort. It has unpolluted beaches and tranquil waters which cater to foreign as well as local tourists. A number of cottages have been constructed to accommodate its guests. It has its own restaurant, swimming pool, a well-designed and beautifully landscaped compound, and access to a nearby white sand beach you will surely love too.

Ilocos Sur 
Baluarte Zoo

It was a personal zoo located at Vigan, Ilocos Sur created by Chavit Singson whose the Governor of Ilocos Sur, and former Deputy National security Advisor. Everything at Baluarte zoo is free, admission fee, pony rides and animal shows are all free to the general public. More of, feeding the animals, petting them, riding the "tiburin," a small horse-drawn carriage, and visiting our Butterfly Garden that will surely be an extraordinary adventure for you and your family. It will surely be a memorable experience specially for kids for you can be one of the animals whose roaring and whistling, indulging in the joys of the moment you're in Baluarte for its not just a zoo but its an interactive wildlife sanctuary and facility, with the breathtaking view of its dominating scenic boulders amidst trees and greens.

Bantay Church and Bell Tower

St. Augustine Parish Church or popularly known as the Bantay Church and Belltower. It is one of the oldest churches of Ilocos Sur because the church was built in 1590 with a baroque and Gothic inspired architecture. This architectural design was influenced by the Europeans even though it was built under the Spanish regime. It was also built through forced labor and  this tower was used as a way to look out for Spanish soldiers attacking the place. The altar looked simple yet very classy with its gold linings and I want to keep you reminded not to forget your prayers for this church is well guided by Our Lady of Charity.

Heritage Village (Mestizo District)

It is listed on the UNESCO world heritage list since 2 December 1999 for it's unique spanish colonial history in Asia and the very well preserved spanish monumental buildings which where build in the 18th century.. The name "Vigan" was derived from a giant taro plant "biga" that grew abundantly along the riverbanks. Most of the materials such as adobe, pebbles, bricks and posts were brought from Europe through the Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade. The construction work was done by Chinese laborers. Thus, the village's architecture reflects a unique fusion of Spanish European and Chinese culture.  _________________________________________________________________________________

La Union

Museo de Iloko

The old "presidencia" of Agoo keeps the different artifacts of La Union and other pieces of cultural importance to the Ilocanos. Enjoy a time machine experience by visiting the museum where you will surely learn and love the place more by its history.

Filipino-Chinese Friendship

Macho Temple at San Fernando is believed to be the only one built with five gates. It enshrines the image of the Virgin of Caysasay, the patroness of the Filipino-Chinese residents also venerate the image of Ma-zeun shrine. The building was designed with detailed Chinese ancient decor constructed by skilled workers direct from Taiwan and Architect Diokno. 
 Filipino-Chinese Pagoda

An amazing panoramic view of the city and the San Fernando City Bay La Union can be seen when the Pagoda is reached. It is also called as the Filipino-Chinese Friendship Park or Chinese Pagoda because it commemorates the deep bonds of friendship of the two countries ours and China, more of the long history between the Filipino and Chinese people.

Pinadangan Ruins
Pindangan Ruins which was derived from the Ilocano word Pindang, is a traditional method of drying fish in the area. It  is the vestige of the oldest church that was built in May 6, 1786 that symbolizes the union of two sitios, San Vicente De Balanac which is a a coastal village, and San Guillermo De Dalangdang which is a village at the foothills of mountains, they are both desiring for mutual protection. Pindangan was founded as Ministerio de San Fernando in Honor of King Ferdinand of Spain. The church was damaged due to the earthquake that occurred in the year 1892.

Hundred Islands

How difficult it is to choose which of the 7,107 islands of the Philippines to explore first but if you’d like to hit roughly 100 islands in all at once, the Hundred Islands National Park in Alaminos is the place to go. You could Kayak the islands with HIETA– the Hundred Islands Eco-tourism Association. These two-million-year-old islands are dotted with plenty of caves so come on and nip your way into the caves.  Dare  to jump off a 70-foot drop and swim to the underwater cave lovingly called “Imelda.”
Our Lady of Manaoag

It is a very famous church in the Philippines for pilgrim testimonials and tales of Our Lady of Manaoag miraculous cures and powers of intercession for other blessings from God. Our Lady of Manaoag one of the most venerated Marian images in the country. The devotees believe that the holy water and oil from the Shrine are epulotic - possessing healing powers. 
White Beach of San Fabian

A lot of local and foreign tourist are refreshing themselves through the fresh air and water of San Fabian's White Beach because of the beauty of the sand which makes every tourist love the scenery and be excited to run to the seawater. The beach was the landing area of Lt. General Homma, Commander of the Japanese Imperial Expeditionary Forces on December 24, 1941. The beach became on the areas of operation of the Liberation Forces in Northern Luzon on January 9, 1945.


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